Zirong (Rex) Chen

About Me


Hello! My name is Zirong (Rex) Chen (陈子荣), currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Vanderbilt under Professor Meiyi Ma's supervision. My research interest includes Natural Language Processing (NLP), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), and AI-driven applications under Smart Cities. I got my bachelor's (B.E. in Computer Engineering) in China and master's (M.S. in Computer Science) at Georgetown. I am also a former basketball player in high school and college.



Research Projects

Customized Emergency Response Training

Collaborating with Metro Nashville Department of Emergency Communications, we develop Angie/SimER. SimER is an AI-driven simulation environment to assist call-taker training under emergency response scenarios.

Keywords: LLMs, NLP, AI for Social Goods

Customized Emergency Response Training

Intelligent Emergency Response Systems

We created an intelligent system that leverage data enhance response time and decision-making in emergencies. These systems use machine learning to improve coordination between protocols and streamline operations.

Keywords: AI/ML, NLP, AI for Social Goods

Learn More Intelligent Emergency Response Systems

Adaptable City Knowledge

The Adaptable City Knowledge project aims to create a dynamic, data-driven platform that helps cities respond to evolving challenges. From traffic management to disaster preparedness, this initiative fosters collaboration between city officials, businesses, and residents to promote resilience.

Keywords: AI/ML, NLP, Life-long Learning

Learn More Adaptable City Knowledge


[AAAI 2024] Auto311: A Confidence-Guided Automated System for Non-emergency Calls
[Pervasive and Mobile Computing] CitySpec with shield: A secure intelligent assistant for requirement formalization
[IEEE SmartComp 2022] (Best Paper Finalist) Cityspec: An intelligent assistant system for requirement specification in smart cities
[IEEE SmartComp 2022] An intelligent assistant for converting city requirements to formal specification

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